Set in the 1980s, Hidden in the Shadows tells the story of a group of friends who stumble upon a mysterious board game, whilst camping in the woods. When one of the group disappears into the game, they set out on an epic journey through time - encountering Secretive Smugglers, Grim Grave Diggers, Ruthless Victorian Cornermen, and the terrifying Man in Black - a evil soul who burns people at the stake just for fun - along the way.
This original, adventurous production, which explores themes of greed, friendship, and the lengths we would go to protect the ones we love, will be performed at the Valley Community Theatre for three performances this March 2023 (see for times). This is a show you do not want to miss!
Hidden in the Shadows, Theatre on Foot's latest production, is an original historical-adventure story performed by our Tweens and Seniors groups.
For more information and to buy tickets, visit: