Valley News and Projects

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Calling all actors!
Open Audition for “Mother Goose”, audition to be held Monday 13th September, 7-9pm at Valley Theatre, Childwall Valley Rd, Liverpool L27 3YA.
(Performances of “Mother Goose” 17th, 18th & 19th December (with Sunday Matinee) at Valley Theatre Netherley, Liverpool.)
We are looking for actors for the latest of our successful, well-supported Xmas Pantos (Last year “Dick Twittington” was a sell out.)
Our adaptation of “Mother Goose” strikes a nice balance between traditional and more updated pantos – a formula which we have found works best with our audiences.
The basic plot is maintained but adapted to local and contemporary flavour (eg. The character Baron Softlad of Netherley). Traditional comic routines are kept, however, so this is good for actors wanting experience of the genre.
The basic plot is as follows: The Demon Discord tempts Mother Goose, a pillar of the community, to part with her golden egg-laying goose, Priscilla, by the promise of a transformative dip in the Pool of Beauty. This doesn’t bring her the happiness she thought, however, and things are only righted with intervention from the Good Angel and a trip to Goose Court. A romantic sub plot, with shades of Grease, involves the Baron’s son, Jimmy, and Mother Goose’s daughter, Betty. Songs are poppy and upbeat.
Actors attending the audition will hear a few short scenes read out which will give them a good idea of the style and type of panto. Then they can choose a scene to deliver from a character of their choice.
No prior experience necessary but must be willing and out there to have a go!
The roles are unpaid. Rehearsals will depend on part and what scene we’re on but we usually use Monday and Thursday nights, and negotiate other times if necessary

Short Play Festival Success!
A host of local talent showcased to packed audiences over our 3 day festival. Here’s looking forward to next year!